İÇ DIŞ TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Cemal Gürsel Cad. No:11 Kat:7 KARŞIYAKA - İZMİR

    TEL   0(232) 382 2314
    FAX   0(232) 382 2324
    MOBILE   0 (534) 915 92 73
    WHATSAPP +90 (232) 382 23 14 www.universa.com.tr

    More than 30 years of unidor, more than 30 years of technology for punching and forming technology. In the punch and press world we have not only sucecessfully installed many thousands of systems worldwide, but have played a leading role in the development and advancement of the technology. We were pioneers for much of what is state-of-the-art today.

    We aim to continue to pursue this principle with energy and commitment true the motto “Every customer is our only customer”.

    TRgroup is newly set up. The two subsidaries TR-Systemtechnik GmbH and Unidor Industrieelektronik GmbH merged and had a change of name to TRsystems GmbH. Each section of the company is spezialized in its own field.


    For over 25 years, TR-Electronic GmbH is an inherent part in the world of automation – more precisely, in the development and production of digital angular and displacement measurement technology. Its wide range of products includes absolute and incremental encoders, magnetostrictive displacement measurement systems as well as transformation devices and laser range finder. In addtion, TR-Electronic GmbH offers electrical compact drives and closed-loop controller for hydraulic axes, which offers you a complete system solution within the drive technology.

    Subsidiary TRsystems GmbH is specialized in system technology. Besides fieldbus I/Os and industrial PCs, TRsystems GmbH offers programmable logic controller (PLC) as well as single and multiple axis controller.

    TRsystems GmbH- Section Unidor is an expert within the industry of stamping, pressing and metal forming on board. Specialized in this field, the sction Unidor offers miniaturized single and multi beam light barriers, as well as eddy current sensors, acoustic emission sensors and piezoelectric sensors. In addition, the section concentrates in the area of process control and entry and evaluation of production data to monitor, control and visualize tool parameters or complete production processes.